This place is where you can suggest, discuss, and vote on ideas. If you want to create an idea for an other related product choose the appropriate group on this page.

When you select to create a new idea, there are a few things you can do to ensure RWS Development and other community participants understand the idea. See here for Idea best practices.

  • Log more actions of users

    • Under Community Review on
    As a lifecycle manager, site-admin or other senior user, I want to be able to see more logs on what users do. What users are (in)active, who deleted a structure group or page, who renamed a folder, what was a previous publish date for a page. Etc. etc...
  • Recover Deleted Items

    • Accepted, Not Yet Planned on
    Actually, the question would be " How to Restore Deleted Items? " There are several creative ways to do it but would a concept of "Recycle Bin" within the CME be helpful? With that, Users could recover intentionally and inadvertently deleted items with...
  • Introduce versioning for the item types that are not currently versioned

    • Duplicate on
    Structure groups and folders definitely need to have versioning. It's too easy to change something and then be unable to undo the change. The same applies to publications (especially given the amount of care needed with Content porter to avoid clobbering...
  • Rename XPM Page Types and Content Types into Prototypes

    • Accepted, Not Yet Planned on
    • 1 Comment
    The concept of Page Types from a Content Modeling perspective is often confused with the Experience Manager Page Types. Clients often believe that XPM requires creation of as many Page Prototypes as the Page Types identified in the Content modeling...
  • Translation Manager - Allow aggregation across schemas

    • Planned for Future Release on
    Currently, when using aggregation for multiple schemas, the aggregation is split across schemas. this means only components of one schema are combined into one aggregated file. a job with components based on X schemas will still result in X files. ...
  • Display Publish Date next to version number in version history

    • Under Community Review on
    This enhancement request is from a Financial Services client in North America. -- "To provide evidence related to record-keeping needs, the Compliance department would like to know when specific versions of a piece of content actually were published...
  • Order control for resolvers (addons)

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Currently an order of resolvers can be defined only in the context of one Add-on package using manifest.json file. There is no possibility to define an order across different (Addon) packages. We would like a way to configure the order of resolvers from...
  • Retain content in page metadata when changing page templates

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    When creating a new or editing an existing page, the system should allow the author to change page templates while keeping any text currently entered into common metadata fields. Currently, if an author fills out metadata fields and realizes the wrong...
  • "Collapse all" button in Publications panel

    • Under Community Review on
    Button to collapse all publications in the Publications panel.
  • CME and timezones in SaaS solution

    • Duplicate on
    Utilizing the AWS cloud SaaS solution of Tridion we experience problems due to the server date (Ireland). The CME has a time difference of 2 hours with our country. When content managers schedule a publication at a set time, there is a chance that they...