Strange page based footnote request: Multiple foot macros referencing the same footnote block.

A page with multiple paragraphs contains three text references to footnote 1. These references appear in the first paragraph on the page as well as in the last two paragraphs. Thus far, only the last footnote reference had the foot anchor and the earlier references were just super scripted. During a recent editing cycle, the last paragraph slipped to the next page, taking the footnote block with it (as it should).

My question is:
Can the same footnote block text be referenced by multiple foot macros and automatically duplicated should one of those foot macros slip to a second page?

In this case, the desired result is

  • If a reference moved to a second page, a footnote block would appear on the second page containing same text as the one on the first.
  • If all references are on the same page, only one footnote block would be present (and reside on the first page).

This is on a "classic" XPP 9.1.1. system.