How I type a figure rule or (en rule without space in 2 sides) in unix system with Xyvision?

Hi there,


How can I type a figure rule or (en rule without space in 2 sides) in Xyvision in Unix system?

I have tried ctr+'-' but it output a en-rule with space in 2 sides. It is not ideal when we setting table, is it any way to work around it?


Best regards,



Parents Reply
  • Norman,

    The different keyboards used in your xpp system can be configured by your sys admin. So not knowing what has been done to your system it is difficult to predict where on your xpp system the figure dash can be found.

    What will always work once you know the Unicode (hex) value of a character is to hit SHIFT/F2 + the unicode value (2012) + return.

    Warning: if you are using the PostScript font setup (or any other type 1 PS font) as delivered with the system, you will get a 'missing character' error and on the xyview you will see a reverse question mark. That is because these fonts do not contain such a character. But if you are using modern OpenType fonts with extended character sets that character is included.

    Remark: I could not find the figure dash (U+2012) in the standard delivered keyboard 0 or 1. It could be in any of the other delivered keyboards but I did not feel like looking in all of them :-)


    Good luck


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