Merge catalog

A question about how to generate a directory using the xpp automation program, a book that includes the preface and the body, how to generate a directory between the preface and the body,
Or merge the separately generated directory between the preface and the directory of the main article (the page number between the preface and the directory needs to be obtained by the program)

For example

#system("$XyScript::XYV_EXECS/bin/divmerge -p5 DIV_catalog -cd C:/XPP/std_jobz/alljobz/CLS_book/GRP_book/JOB_book/DIV_test9");

-p5 is replaced by the program to get the title tag in DIV_test9 Page number

  • Hi Peter,

    Rather than using divmerge to "insert" some content into an existing division, most customers use a different method.

    The "directory" (or TOC - table of contents) is typically generated as a separate DIV (division) using the CITI process (see the Using CITI manual citi.pdf).

    The preface and body parts are also separate divisions in the same JOB.

    Then the DA (Document Assembly) ticket (or spec _da_job.sde) is used to organize the order of these DIVs for the final "book". Using the DA ticket you can specify the DIV(s) generated by CITI (which can include index DIVs as well) and when using "Job processing" the DIVs that are included and their order and which processes to run on each DIV (such as citi, compose, print, pdf, etc.).

    For information on Job Processing see the Chapter "Job Processing" in the User Guide manual (user.pdf). There is information on Job Processing in many other manuals as well (specific to the XPP programs and specs being discussed in those manuals).

    Jonathan Dagresta
    RWS Group/
    XPP Development

  • Hi Peter,

    Rather than using divmerge to "insert" some content into an existing division, most customers use a different method.

    The "directory" (or TOC - table of contents) is typically generated as a separate DIV (division) using the CITI process (see the Using CITI manual citi.pdf).

    The preface and body parts are also separate divisions in the same JOB.

    Then the DA (Document Assembly) ticket (or spec _da_job.sde) is used to organize the order of these DIVs for the final "book". Using the DA ticket you can specify the DIV(s) generated by CITI (which can include index DIVs as well) and when using "Job processing" the DIVs that are included and their order and which processes to run on each DIV (such as citi, compose, print, pdf, etc.).

    For information on Job Processing see the Chapter "Job Processing" in the User Guide manual (user.pdf). There is information on Job Processing in many other manuals as well (specific to the XPP programs and specs being discussed in those manuals).

    Jonathan Dagresta
    RWS Group/
    XPP Development

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