Monthly XPP knowledge article

Since we did not had a conference last year, I am missing our yearly opportunity talking about XPP.
(you can not imagine how much I have learned about XPP preparing/researching the many talks I have given over the years)
So I came up with the idea of using this forum to publish a monthly 'knowledge' article in which we would look a bit deeper into one of the many new, difficult, dark, ... sides of XPP.

I have a few topics in my head, but it would be a lot nicer to hear from you what are the things you are struggling with in XPP and for which you would want some guidance on how does this work? or how do I do this? So please put any suggestions in the comments below. As long it involves XPP any idea is welcome

The 2 first topics I will cover are:
- pica points or postscript points?
- named counters 
- xpp attributes: why do we need them and how do they work
- xpp background queues: setup, check, ...
- xpp autoproc: setup, ...