Is there a setting to keep the last word in a paragraph from hyphenating and, if the last word is too small, keep it from ending on a line by itself?
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[edited by: Trados AI at 5:31 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
Is there a setting to keep the last word in a paragraph from hyphenating and, if the last word is too small, keep it from ending on a line by itself?
Hi Bennett,
I'm not aware of any OOTB options to do these things; what you have available for "hyphenation" options is what is in the H&J spec and the Hyphen Keep field in the PT spec.
The Hyphen Keep field (in the PT spec) only allows for stopping hyphenation of the last word of a Block or Page (which isn't applied only to the last word of a Paragraph).
And it would be somewhat of a "leap" for composition itself to be able to do these things (specifically with the "last word in a paragraph") as it makes decisions about the hyphenation of or pushing of a word to the next line while it's actually processing that word and before it knows that it is the last word in a paragraph. Another thing that could make it challenging is to define a "paragraph" (in all modes: Classic, SGML, XML, and CSS).
I think from past discussions what customers have done is to pre-process the data stream (according to their own rules and definitions) and insert XPP macros to accomplish the desired behaviors. Perhaps some customers will chime in with what they have done.
Jonathan Dagresta
RWS Group/XPP Development
I have found that if you add a <?ba?> macro to the End field, it stops the last word from hyphenating.
I do not have any suggestions for the short word issue.
Thank you! That did the trick.