XPP Plan in response to Adobe Type 1 Font Notice

Our XPP Plan in response to the Adobe Type 1 Font Notice

XPP 9.6.2 Service Pack Release scheduled for December 2022
XPP 9.7.0 Version Release will complete the transition in 2023

Adobe has announced the end of support for PostScript Type 1 fonts, specifically disabling support for rendering characters from Type 1 fonts if they are not embedded, by January 1, 2023. Here is a high level summary of our XPP plan in response to that announcement.
• We will transition to using Open Type fonts over two releases: 9.6.2 SP and 9.7.0 version release
• We will deliver Noto Open Type fonts and corresponding specs with 9.6.2 and later releases
• We will update XPP delivered sample jobs in two phases across the 9.6.2 and 9.7.0 releases
• We will stop distributing any Type 1 fonts and corresponding specs when we release XPP 9.7.0
• XPP’s PostScript formatter, PostScript to PDF with Ghostscript, and Direct to PDF publishing tools will continue to allow you to embed Type 1 fonts in the resulting PDF with 9.6.2
• XPP customers can continue to use Type 1 fonts, but we will no longer provide support for them as of XPP 9.7.0

Further details of our XPP plans are in the PDF attached here.

In addition, see the post Type 1 Q+A for further questions and answers we've already collected on this topic.

We will be posting further information and updates in this XPP Forum using the “Type 1 Fonts” tag.

Please use this tag to share your posts on this topic too. We will be monitoring this regularly and look forward to your posts!
