XPP REST Client Query Para

What should a query string format be to execute a POST against XPP Server via XPP Rest API client? The help does not make much sense. When executed, it is asking for a Process ID number 

Run XPP commands on a Division or Job.

NOTE: The 'command' parameter is the program to run and must be located in the 'xz/bin' directory. For example, divtrace, divflags, show_xref, see Command Line Utilities

The caller is responsible for all options.




Field Type Description
command String

The name of the XPP commmand (in xz/bin) to run

optionsoptional String

Additional 'command' options

ecodeoptional String

error code for exit criteria 1 => OK if 0 >= exitcode < 128 (default=0)

path String

The "logical" 4/5-part path to a Division or Job in the form "handle:class:group:job:div"

nowaitoptional String

If "nowait=true", the command will return immediately with the id, code, and time the command started (default="false"). The user can check for command completion, by using the 'xpp/docs/processes/id' endpoint; where 'id' is the id used to get the status of the running program (default="false"). See Command Status for the command to determine the status of a 'nowait' program.

Allowed values: "true", "false"

  • Hey Matt,

    Not entirely sure what you are after...

    The Division and Job Processing - Command is a GET and not a POST call.

    So something like GET ..../xpp/docs/first:xyvision:comp:blkmerge:1-blkmerge/print?options=-df%20.%20-nhdr%20-div%201-blkmerge should print the 1-blkmerge division.
    And you can use any xpp command from the xz/bin folder.
    Hence that the next command given in the doc 'compose' actually uses the same syntax
    GET  ..../xpp/docs/first:xyvision:comp:blkmerge:1-blkmerge/compose will compose that division

    Depending if you launch the 'command' with the 'nowait=true' option or not, the command will run in the background or not.
    If run in the background you will get back a processid, which you can then use to check the status of the command.
    See the Document Management - Waiting command status documentation on how to do that.

    What might help you further if the doc is not helpful, is to have a look at the tests that RWS is using to verify the correct working of the XPP REST installation. You can find them in the 't' folder inside the xz/xpprest folder.

  • Bart,

    Thank you for the push. Your answer came close enough. However, the REST API call rejected the options, and I designed the string a different way, and that was fixed.



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