I have been tasked with researching and documenting the use of AI within the publishing industry, specifically within STM publishing, and know that this group has a wide variety of expertise they have shared for many years.
Jennifer Goodman has already generously shared ways that RWS is using AI within the company. We are not interested in translating our English content into other languages. We are interested in other uses of AI.
Are any of you using AI for any processes in publishing that aren't related to language translation? For instance, to write python, xquery, or even perl? Is anyone using tools in their editorial group to generate text or metadata such as keywords or topics, alt-text/metadata for images, summaries--or anything else for that matter.
Are there tools you have looked at and decided not to use them?
Thanks for any insights you may be able to offer.
Jaye Mize (she/her/hers)
Director, Content Production Systems
JAMA Network
330 N Wabash Ave, Ste 39300, Chicago, IL 60611