Invoicing issues

Hi Eugene,

For some reason, since I last asked my question, invoicing isn't working as expected. Even though I have a certain contact listed for "Invoicing Matters," their address does not come up automatically when invoicing. 

Also, the PDF has a name like xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx rather than the title of the invoice that I have configured.

Can you tell from this what I'm doing wrong?



Parents Reply
  • That's just can't be! Disappointed Look, to be fully clear, here are my steps.

    1. Open some customer. Go to contacts, and create 2 contacts (one invoicing one not):
      Trados Studio client contact creation screen showing two contacts added, one marked as invoicing matters.
    2. Go to job list and find any job for this customer:
      Trados Studio job list screen with various translation jobs, some marked as invoiced and others not invoiced.
    3. Click Create invoice and check Customer contact field:
      Trados Studio invoice creation screen with a draft invoice for client 'cust' and contact 'Acc Person' automatically selected.So, system automatically picked up a contact I have just created. If I change another contact (for example, customer has multiple Invoicing matters contacts), the system will save it and select it automatically next time I create invoice for this customer.

    So, for you it behaves not as on these screenshots? Can't believe, cause I checked logic now and it should not fail.


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    [edited by: Trados AI at 6:08 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]