upgrade BaacS or TBM Lite to TBM Essential

RWS customer service has asked me to post my question here.
I would need information on Trados Business Manager.
I currently have Trados 2022 license along with Trados Business Manager Lite, downloaded for free from RWS app store.
In web page https://www.trados.com/store/?_gl=1*7l495m*_ga*MTE3Mjg2MDE1My4xNjY5MzEyNzAy*_ga_J0Z9C6G83T*MTY2OTg4OTI4OS44LjEuMTY2OTg5MDM2My4wLjAuMA..&_ga=2.140746162.1097332139.1669831976-1172860153.1669312702  I read this: "To purchase an upgrade to Trados Business Manager Essential, you must own a previous licenced version of Trados Business Manager Lite".
Can I purchase an upgrade to TBM Essential based on the Lite-version app I downloaded?
If I am not allowed to do that, does RWS sell any upgrade from BaacS (former version of TBM, before it was purchased by SDL/RWS)?