When you attempt to download a package to work offline in Studio, you may be presented with There was an error completing your request.
Our Development Team are working hard on a permanent fix for this. In the meantime, please check out the workaroun...
If an error task is created when you try to import a package or an SDLXLIFF file, and the detail shows File processing error. BCM Document Paragraph mismatch then this is likely because you have either used a third party tool to manipulate the file, ...
Trados Studio 2019 does not support all of the Language Cloud features that Studio 2021 does, and one of these limitations is that you will not be able to use a termbase included in a Language Cloud package.
This article has various workarounds offer...
Ever wanted to know how to send a file back to the translation stage to request corrections? Well now this knowledge is yours.
Click on the preview below and you will be re-directed to the article page.
What is the best way of importing content into an existing Translation Memory? Is there any preparation necessary before doing this? Click on the Preview below to find out more about how this works.