I am currently experiencing multiple functional issues with Trados, both in my version for freelancers and my Professional version at work, which are disrupting my translation process. Your guidance on these matters would be greatly appreciated. Below are the detailed descriptions of the problems:
- Non-Responsive Show Lookups Panel: Clicking the icon for the "Show Lookups Panel" results in no action, and the panel does not open.
- Misleading Error Icon: An error icon (a red circle with a cross inside) inaccurately indicates errors on sentences that are correct.
- Input Issue in Target Language Segment: Typing in the target language segment is limited, allowing only the first letter of a word to be entered.
- Deletion Limitation in Target Language Segment: Deleting text is also limited, permitting only the removal of the first letter of a word.
- Change in "Confirm" Button Functionality: Recently, when I click the "Confirm" button, a new menu appears with options, including 'Confirm and Move to Next Unconfirmed Segment'. This additional step was not present yesterday and has added an unnecessary layer of complexity to my workflow.
- Change in "Copy Source" Button Functionality: Recently, when I click the "Copy" button, a new menu appears. This additional step was not present yesterday and has added an unnecessary layer of complexity to my workflow.