Trados Live not synchronizing

I opened a project with two files in Studio and also sent it to the cloud (as I wanted to also update my TM and Termbase in the cloud). I only worked on this project in Studio. When I exported the translated file (I am not yet quite sure which is the best way to do this, as formerly I only worked with single files where I can simply create a target file of the translation), I realized that the changes I made to the translation in a revision step were not there. I found no other way than to copy the target text in studio and paste it into a new word file. As I am progressing now with the second file of this project, I see that the first around 50 segments are in Trados Live, but the rest is missing. What can I do to synchronize the files on my PC and in the cloud?

Kind regards


Parents Reply
  •  I checked the Studio log and I retrieved this: 

    ERROR [2022-10-17 07:37:20,396] Sdl.TranslationStudio.LanguageCloud.ProjectOperations.UploadBcmFileHandler - There was an error while trying to make a "PUT" REQUEST at Url: "">". Error message: Status code:ConflictError Code:BCM_UPDATE_CONCURRENCY_ERRORFull response content: {"errorCode":"BCM_UPDATE_CONCURRENCY_ERROR","message":null,"details":null} TraceId=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

    According to the product development team findings, this stack trace indicates that multiple users try to update a document, I am not sure if this is the same case for you (maybe you had the same document opened in Studio and in Online Editor at the same time?!).

    Can you try removing the project from the project list and then click on "Refresh" button to download the same project once again? Are you able to save the changes? 

    One more thing, are you saving the files in a location which is synchronized with OneDrive, Google Drive Dropbox? If yes, then try to turn it OFF and check again.

    Alex J.
