Why I cannot add tranaslation engine to the cloud resources?

Hi all,

The problem appeared some time ago, and unfortunately it is the fault of the cloud, not the software itself (I had this in Studio 2022 and I have the same in Stiodio 2024).

As you can see from the following screnshots, I have Amazon Translate service properly installed and configured:

Screenshot of Trados Installed Add-ons page showing Amazon Machine Translation Provider with status OK and up to date, DeepL and Microsoft providers not configured.

Screenshot of Amazon Machine Translation Provider details with version 1.0.9, showing configuration fields for access key, secret key, and region with a valid configuration message.

Now I am trying to add Amazon Machin Engine to the template:

Screenshot of Trados project template settings with Translation Engine dropdown, Translation Memories, and Term bases sections visible.

Screenshot of an empty 'Add Machine Translation Model' dialog box with a message stating 'No matching Machine Translation results'.

As you can see, the list of Machin translate model is empty, although previously there were always engines that were configured on it.

Previously I could add engines without any problem, now tafunction does not work. moreover, I tried to add Amazon tanslate as a local plugin (in addition to Langugage weaver), but this plugin also does not work. Only Language Weaver works and not always by the way).

There have been serious problems with the cloud service for some time, it would be worthwhile to deal with them finally.

Best regards,

Lech Lachowski

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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 9:20 AM (GMT 1) on 12 Jul 2024]
  • Hi,

    It is ridiculous that since I inserted this notification no one is interested in it, although it is still impossible to add Amazon Translate plugin to cloud template. In addition, can not use it locally either because it does not work either.

    Preventing questions: the bills I have paid and seret access key is valid and checked.

    These are the basic functionalities of the cloud and the company , which for many years has been selling such an advanced CAT prhgram can not fix the basic functionalities, which are working translation engines used in the daily work of every translator!!!

    Best regards,

    Lech Lachowski

  • Hi,

    It is ridiculous that since I inserted this notification no one is interested in it, although it is still impossible to add Amazon Translate plugin to cloud template. In addition, can not use it locally either because it does not work either.

    Preventing questions: the bills I have paid and seret access key is valid and checked.

    These are the basic functionalities of the cloud and the company , which for many years has been selling such an advanced CAT prhgram can not fix the basic functionalities, which are working translation engines used in the daily work of every translator!!!

    Best regards,

    Lech Lachowski
