We have the problem that term recognition in the editor view stops working randomly. This appears to be an issue with larger projects or larger termbases. Why does this happen? closing Studio and reopening it solves it for a short while
We have the problem that term recognition in the editor view stops working randomly. This appears to be an issue with larger projects or larger termbases. Why does this happen? closing Studio and reopening it solves it for a short while
There is a similar topic here with some resolutions - https://community.sdl.com/product-groups/translationproductivity/f/studio/29271/term-recognition-stops-working
Also as you mentioned to use large termbases maybe the below would help also
Listen to Roman and I discussing this here
Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group
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Hi Ana-Loredana Gabur, Lydia Simplicio,
At our agency our linguists are experiencing the same problems. It is happening with TB that are sent to us via WorldServer. Our PMs open the WS packages, then create normal Studio packages for our internal linguists. The TB are very small. Path lengths to the TB files are under 250 characters. Reorganising does not help. Studio and MultiTerm versions are up to date.
Hi Ana-Loredana Gabur, Lydia Simplicio,
At our agency our linguists are experiencing the same problems. It is happening with TB that are sent to us via WorldServer. Our PMs open the WS packages, then create normal Studio packages for our internal linguists. The TB are very small. Path lengths to the TB files are under 250 characters. Reorganising does not help. Studio and MultiTerm versions are up to date.