hello, the problem is new; I usually use TXT memories (converted to TMX) in SDL but lately, SDL does not make the actualisation...so I cannot use my wordfast memories anymore...
hello, the problem is new; I usually use TXT memories (converted to TMX) in SDL but lately, SDL does not make the actualisation...so I cannot use my wordfast memories anymore...
thank you Paul, good idea; the thing is the error says "error in line 35029 position 54" and so I tried to find such line in the txt file but I could not, so I thought there might be another way of opening tne TMX file; I am going to try your idea then
thank you Paul, good idea; the thing is the error says "error in line 35029 position 54" and so I tried to find such line in the txt file but I could not, so I thought there might be another way of opening tne TMX file; I am going to try your idea then
Line 35029 doesn't sound like a header problem. Can you share that one line?
Paul Filkin | RWS Group
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