Sell the license after a project?


i´m not a translator and I also don´t work in this profession, but I have to translate a book as a project, and for this I need a CAT tool. SDL Trados Studio seems to be the right one, but the problem ist, that after this project is don, I will not need the SDL Trados Studio license any more. So it it officially possible to sell the license to an other user? Is it possible to transfer the license, after I have the project finished?!



Parents Reply
  • is it worth to train your own translation model with Auto ML. Does the Michine Translation delivers better results, when it works with custom translation models?

    Well... I'd say yes if you have the right sort of data to feed it.  I don't think this is a trivial thing and if you are not a translator, and are only doing this one book with a CAT then what are you going to use to train the model with?  I'd also ask that you consider the costs as the use of trained models in Google is not cheap and for a one-off project like this is it really worth it.. especially a book.  What kind of content is it?

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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