'This app can't run on your pc: To find a version for your pc, check with the software publisher ' message on opening .exe file for Studio 2019 (and Multiterm 2019).

Hi there,

I upgraded from Studio 2019 from 2017 Studio Freelance from within my SDL account the other day and downloaded it along with Multiterm 2019.  however, I cannot open either of the .exe files (for Studio 2019 or Multiterm 2019) that I saved to my desktop.     The above message comes up in a window with a blue background.    

The version I downloaded was SDLTradosStudio2019_SR2_15.2.8.3007.exe and the version of multiterm is SDLMultitermDesktop2019_56482.exe

I looked for info on line and followed certain instructions for one possible solution but it made no difference.   I gave it a break until today but I really want to get this fixed.

Could someone please tell me what I need to do?  Thank you.

I have not changed computers since first buying a Trados licence and I have previously installed 2015 and as I say above 2017 which I upgraded from without a major issue. 

I do not have a support contract so am hoping I can get help here.

Thanks in advance

Anne Maria

Parents Reply
  • Believe it or not I just downloaded them again after deleting the ones I downloaded the other day (Tuesday actually) and they seem to be installing now. I saved them to a specific folder on my desktop rather than the desktop itself. 

    The .exe files are in the folder mentioned but the two now installed programs (Trados and multiterm) are seen on the desktop.

    I did get a message up titled 'Chainer' saying 'There is already an instance of this program. This instance will exit' just as the installation was kicking off on Trados.  I said yes to that assuming it was safe and it does not seem to have interfered with the installation of either.   That's great.  I did not have to disable the antivirus or anything.  Just to let you know and anyone reading this who may have the same issue in the near future. 

    Slightly edited above for clarity.

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