Studio 2024 not able to start - plugin issue

I have today downloaded Studio 2024 (TradosStudio2024_18.0.0.1013), intending to use it as a free trial installation before deciding whether to purchase.

  • After installation, I tried to start the application, but keep getting an error message: "Trados Studio has not finished removing the last uninstalled plug-in. Restart Trados Studio after closing all active instances."
  • I closed Studio 2024 - using Task Manager to make sure that all instances were closed.
  • On restarting, the same issue was experienced again.

I then searched on the Internet and found a potential solution ( where it is suggested that the 'Plugins' folders (in AppData\Local and AppData\Roaming) should be renamed before restarting the application, which I did.

The result upon starting Studio 2024 yet again was precisely the same as before.

Any suggestions as to what I should try now?



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