Cannot reactivate license, neither online nor offline.

I have a Freelance license for Trados Studio 2019 SR2 My old computer died, so I am attempting to get Trados up and running on my new computer. I therefore reset my license and attempted online activation.

This failed due to a problem accessing the remote server. Previous inquiries on this were answered by suggesting offline activation. I also attempted this. I was able to get an Install ID, and then the activation certificate. But when I pasted the certificate into the field, I got the following error:

Offline activation failed. Error[143]: Failure in accessing the license or persistence store. :VLSaddFeatureToFile Exception of type 'SentinelRMSCore.RMSException.RMSLicenseCoreException' was thrown.

My computer is Lenovo Ideapad notebook running Windows 11. Any assistance you could provide would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

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