Trados Studio 2024 Translations Results window: markup / difference formatting not shown.

When translating, the difference(s) between a source sentence from the Translation Memory and the source sentence to be translated are shown (see red circle: 'drie' comes from the TU in the TM, 'zeven' from the new sentence to be translated), but without markup (difference formatting). How can I activate this markup?

How can I resolve this?

Thanks a lot.
Screenshot of Trados Studio interface showing a translation segment with the source text 'Ik heb zeven kinderen.' and the corresponding translation 'J'ai trois enfants.' A red circle highlights the difference 'driezeven' in the source segment.

Screenshot of Trados Studio Options menu with 'Differences Options' section visible. Checkboxes for 'Show document source segment differences' and 'Show translation memory source segment differences' are checked. Examples of 'inserted' and 'deleted' content formatting are shown.

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: RWS Community AI at 1:10 PM (GMT 0) on 27 Feb 2025]
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