How can I resolve the Error message: "A connection to SDL MultiTerm Server XXXXX could not be established. Invalid Login Details" after I've installed MultiTerm and TRADOS Studio Professional 2015?

Hi! I need help with an Error message we're getting on a couple of our computers. Today I installed SDL Trados 2015 Studio Professional and MultiTerm on our company's sixth computer. After doing so, I added our server-based TM, which is opening fine. However, I tried opening the termbase on that computer and I am getting the following error message: "A connection to SDL MultiTerm Server XXXXX could not be established. Invalid Login Details". We also getting this error on another one of our computers on which we previously had no problem opening the termbase. Can someone please help us?!! Thank you in advance!

Parents Reply
  • Hi Maureen

    I guess there is some misunderstanding here. The error message you stated in the beginning "A connection to SDL MultiTerm Server XXXXX could not be established" undoubtedly shows that you are trying to connect to a server-based termbase and this in turn implies that you have a GroupShare server (Multiterm Server is a component of a GroupShare server).
    FYI: TMs and termbases can be of two types: file-based and server-based. File-based means that they consist of a physical file that you access directly (on your local PC or on a file server), server-based means that the TM or TB is managed by a database software (in fact Microsoft SQL server) installed on a GroupShare Server.

    If you have a file-based termbase that is located in a shared folder on a file server of your company and you want to access it, you need to configure it as a "file-based" termbase in your "Project Settings" and not as as server-based termbase (use the button "Browse" to select the termbase and not the button "Connect"). You cannot "connect" to a file-based termbase.

    Let me also point out that a file-based termbase is not multi-user capable, which means that it cannot be open for modification by more than one user at a time. If you want to have several users working on a termbase, you need to buy and install the Multiterm Server component of GroupShare Server and make your termbase server-based.

    Hope this clarifies things a bit and may help find out what is going wrong here.
