Deactivating my license

 Hey Paul,
I am a mac user and have recently bought SDL Freelance. I downloaded the software using a free virtualisation machine (Oracle) and activated my product. However, after experiencing overheating and a slow speed with the virtualisation machine, I opted for an upgrade to a better virtualisation machine (Parallels). I then deleted oracle, in order to make room to download Parallels. SDL Freelance software said something about deactivating only if using the software on a different computer. I didn't think it was necessary if i were just upgrading my virtualisation machine, so I didn't deactivate and proceeded to uninstall Oracle. Now I have parallels installed and have tried to download SDL Freelance again, but obviously it is saying that the software is still activated and in use. How can I deactivate it?! 
I have submitted a request by the appropriate form, but was wondering if there is any way to expedite this process as I am on a deadline.
Thanks in advance!
  • Simon

    I am not sure I understand what you really did.

    If I read you well, you installed Windows in a virtual machine (VM) under Oracle VirtualBox. Later, you decided to uninstall VirtualBox. What happened to your VM? Did you export it before in a format compatible with Parallels, so that you can go on using it in Parallels or did you simply delete it?

    If you deleted it, then it is obvious that you lost the Windows VM in which you had installed Studio. You should have deactivated Studio before deleting the VM.

    Unknown said:
    I didn't think it was necessary if i were just upgrading my virtualisation machine, so I didn't deactivate and proceeded to uninstall Oracle. .

    As you installed Studio on your guest operating system (VM) and not on the host (which does not support it because it is a Mac), this VM gets lost when you uninstall your virtualisation software, which means you need to reinstall Studio on a new VM under the new virtualization SW. This is like installing on a new PC, which is why you should return your license before you do this.
    If you have submitted the form at, then the only thing you can do is to wait until SDL resets your license. It does not take long usually. 
  • Simon

    I am not sure I understand what you really did.

    If I read you well, you installed Windows in a virtual machine (VM) under Oracle VirtualBox. Later, you decided to uninstall VirtualBox. What happened to your VM? Did you export it before in a format compatible with Parallels, so that you can go on using it in Parallels or did you simply delete it?

    If you deleted it, then it is obvious that you lost the Windows VM in which you had installed Studio. You should have deactivated Studio before deleting the VM.

    Unknown said:
    I didn't think it was necessary if i were just upgrading my virtualisation machine, so I didn't deactivate and proceeded to uninstall Oracle. .

    As you installed Studio on your guest operating system (VM) and not on the host (which does not support it because it is a Mac), this VM gets lost when you uninstall your virtualisation software, which means you need to reinstall Studio on a new VM under the new virtualization SW. This is like installing on a new PC, which is why you should return your license before you do this.
    If you have submitted the form at, then the only thing you can do is to wait until SDL resets your license. It does not take long usually. 