Deactivating my license

 Hey Paul,
I am a mac user and have recently bought SDL Freelance. I downloaded the software using a free virtualisation machine (Oracle) and activated my product. However, after experiencing overheating and a slow speed with the virtualisation machine, I opted for an upgrade to a better virtualisation machine (Parallels). I then deleted oracle, in order to make room to download Parallels. SDL Freelance software said something about deactivating only if using the software on a different computer. I didn't think it was necessary if i were just upgrading my virtualisation machine, so I didn't deactivate and proceeded to uninstall Oracle. Now I have parallels installed and have tried to download SDL Freelance again, but obviously it is saying that the software is still activated and in use. How can I deactivate it?! 
I have submitted a request by the appropriate form, but was wondering if there is any way to expedite this process as I am on a deadline.
Thanks in advance!