Cannot update server TMs - TranslationProviderThrewException

Dear all,

We are currently experiencing a problem updating server TMs in GS 2017 (client also Studio 2017).

When trying to update TMs, we receive the error message TranslationProviderThrewException

We can connect to the server TMs, we can read from them, export them, etc., but we cannot add to them, neither single segments nor whole files, neither by the “Update TM” dialogue nor by importing TMXs into the TM via the TM interface (on the client or via the WebUI).

The behaviour is server wide, across hundreds of TMs.

All of the SDL services are running as normal on the server.

What can possibly be the source of our problem?

Thanks for your advice.


  • Hi James,

    Sorry to hear of your troubles. TranslationProviderThrewException is the generic error that something went wrong with the interaction with TM, it could have a lot of causes.

    I assume this used to work and suddenly stopped working vs. never having worked since the upgrade? If the latter, I would suggest checking with the consultant if the installation was succesful.

    If it used to work and as all your TMs are affected the first thing I would try is restarting the GroupShare services and see if it resolves itself.

    If that doesn't help, it would need checking of the Server logs to see if a reason can be found, this is ideally done in collaboration with our support teams who can help you with troubleshooting the cause.

    The KB also lists a few possible causes, such as SQL Express limitations in case that applies to your environment.


    Best regards,
    Luis Lopes | Principal Product Manager | RWS | (twitter) @Luis___Lopes |

  • Hi James,

    Sorry to hear of your troubles. TranslationProviderThrewException is the generic error that something went wrong with the interaction with TM, it could have a lot of causes.

    I assume this used to work and suddenly stopped working vs. never having worked since the upgrade? If the latter, I would suggest checking with the consultant if the installation was succesful.

    If it used to work and as all your TMs are affected the first thing I would try is restarting the GroupShare services and see if it resolves itself.

    If that doesn't help, it would need checking of the Server logs to see if a reason can be found, this is ideally done in collaboration with our support teams who can help you with troubleshooting the cause.

    The KB also lists a few possible causes, such as SQL Express limitations in case that applies to your environment.


    Best regards,
    Luis Lopes | Principal Product Manager | RWS | (twitter) @Luis___Lopes |
