Sdl.TMService.Host.exe service stopped

Hello! I have a problem with my Trados GroupShare server 2017. Sdl.TMService.Host.exe services has been stopped. Can you help me?

Parents Reply
  • Windows Logs > The "SDL TMService Agent" service was unexpectedly interrupted. It happened (time): 4.
    The SDL TM Service Host service was unexpectedly terminated

    ProgramData\SDL\Service\Logs 2018-08-01 17: 03: 46.1960 | WIN-S___V | Error | THREAD_ID: 77 | TR_ID: e390355c-e371-4e6b-b3c9-a4c409fa609f | EX: Response status code does not specify success: 500 (Internal Server Error). | | System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Response status code does not specify success: 500 (Internal Server Error).
        in System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode ()
        in the Sdl.TMService.Common.TranslationModels.TranslationModelServiceClient. <CreateModelAsync> d__4.MoveNext ()
    --- End tracing the stack from the previous location where the exception occurred ---
        in System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw ()
        in System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification (Task task)
        in Sdl.TMService.Tasks.Scheduled.TriggerModelBuildTask. <CreateTranslationModelAsync> d__12.MoveNext ()