Error on installing trados Groupshare 2017 on calling chef

Hello everyoone in the community, I am trying to intall trados groupshare 2017 and when calling chef and installing cookbooks it arises an error for not being in the same language than the operating system. I knew what the file was, but I do not remember right now. Please could anyone of you, for example Paul, tell what file on programdata I have to modify to launch the intaller and that trados groupshare install itself?

Please paul tell me everything that I have to know to change the file, I mean lines in note pad and everything that I had to wirte new on the file to install groupshare.

I have worten some question on the trados groupshare forum, and nobody answers, so I ask for your favor and help me to intall it. the operating system is windows server 2022, is everything installed regarding groupshare 2020 intallation guide and everything works fine until I get chefsolo and cooking books.

Thanks beforehand.

  • Hi  , I believe this was the same topic:  New Policy for applocker can you share the installation log files and also follow the suggestion in the KB article I sent to the other post. The installation log files can be found in here: C:\ProgramData\SDL\Install.

    If you are not in the possession of the GroupShare installation guide, please find it enclosed here.

    Alex J.

  • Hi Alex, no it is not the same topic, I committed and error on asking the question. it is an error on calling chef for not being trados groupshare in the same language as the operating system. it has already happened to me in the past, but not I do not remember what to file to modify from the unzipped one at program data.

    Please tell me what file and path inside dependencies or installation unzipped ones and what lines do I have to modify with notepad++

    Thanks beforehand

  • Hi Alex this is Jesus from Spain, I beleive that it is for the language, if you beleive it is for the applocker, please organize a remote session and end intalling groupshare

  • it arises an error for not being in the same language than the operating system.

     Can you share the error you encounter?

    Alex J.

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