Subfolder User / Cannot write in groupshare TM / languages ressources / field templates expected

We have a problem with language resources and field templates.

We have created users in a subfolder

Root Organization

We have worked successfully like this for years without any particular errors.
Now we are using Trados Studio 2022 SR1 - and TMs from Groupshare GS: - GS 2020 SR1 CU09 and everything is different.

The users created in the subordinate directory can no longer write anything to the TMs. Language resources and field templates are expected when opening the projects. As there is no access to them (we have of course already saved a copy of them in the subordinate folder), the user would have to work with the standards. This obviously does not work.

The result is that the user cannot save his translation in the TM.

Does anyone here in the forum have any idea why this error occurs? Unfortunately, a solution is urgently needed.

Thanks in advance!!

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Alex Jude,

    When this issue occurred?

    Did it started after upgrading Trados GroupShare?

    Yes, it started after GroupShare was upgraded. We didn't notice it at first because we only worked with users which were stored in the root organization.

    Have you checked the user role and permissions?

    Yes, we checked the permissions (these weren't changed by the way)

    Does it have sufficient rights?

    Yes. I have even changed the user's role to one with high permissions. But it also failed. The first workaround was to store the user in the root organization. Then the error does not occur. Wen the user is stored in the subfolder of the organization we get the error again.

    Where are the TM saved, are these saved in the same location (subfolder) or are these TMs saved on the Root?

    The TMs are stored in the root organization. We have already included a link to the language ressource template and to the field template and stored this in the subfolder, too, hoping that this would help. It does not help.

    These are the two solutions which would work:

    1) Store every user in the root organization.

    2) Export TM, set language ressource and field template to this TM, Import and overwrite all units.

    Solution no. 1 is unacceptable. Solution no. 2 is worst solution, since it would cost too much time... If you knew any other solution, we would be very happy.

    Kind regards, G

  • Hi  , Can you do the following test, and tell me the result:

    1. Create a GroupShare project  (use the subfolder organization) add the TMs from Root

    2. Assign this project to one of the affected users (one which user was created in the sub folder organization)

    Does that user have access to the TMs?  Does the user see TM results? Can you also ask the user to test the concordance search?

    Can you tell me if you create a user on the Root organization, does that user have access to write into the TMs? I am asking this because if the same issue happens as with the sub folder organization user, there might be an issue with the TM container schema version, not being upgraded to the latest version.

    Alex J.
