FTP export of a translation bundle via macro?


I wanted to create a macro that handles - apart from other things - exports of translation bundles via FTP.

In the COM reference I found three different options for preparation and export of translation bundles:

1) PslProject.Export

2) PslProject.ExportTransBundle

3) PslProject.ExportGroupShareBundle

I first thought option 3) could be the right option. But it seams it can only handle exports to a normal server drive with passing credentials or do I oversee something?

There are no descriptions or sample code in the COM reference for this export option.

Parents Reply
  • I wanted to automate export via FTP within Collaboration Edition context.

    For FTP export a bunch of settings have to be done in Passolo, e.g., connection name/type, host address/port number. But I couldn't find corresponding method parameters or properties in the COM reference. So it seams it's not possible to do such an export via a macro. 

    Screenshot of an FTP Connections configuration window with options for New Connection, Make Copy, Remove, Export, and Import. Fields for Name, Connection Type (FTP, SFTP, Explicit FTPS), Host Address, Port, Credentials (Anonymous, Password Auth, Private Key Auth), User name, Password, and Remote Folder are visible. A warning indicates 'Private key not loaded.' 


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 2:46 PM (GMT 1) on 27 Jun 2024]
  • Ok, Exporting via FTP within the Collaboration context is a one-off action that just needs to be performed once in a project lifetime. This is why these functions and setting are not exposed into the COM object model. Exporting the bundles to a local drive is working, but setting up all data from these dialogs with COM is not possible.

    What is possible is to automate the regular synchronization of bundles with the FTP using CLI and COM. 
