Dear all,
I'd like to create a powershell script (or batch file) which will review the source lists of a .lpu file which only contains source lists.
If I start Passolo and the checking process manually, everything works as espected.
Unfortunately, trying to run the checks from command line with pslcmd and the "/check" option Passolo starts as well as the review process, but does not find any possible issues and the log file is empty.
My command line looks like this: "start "" /wait "C:\Program Files (x86)\Trados\Passolo\Passolo 2022\pslcmd.exe" %1 /check /options:"\\[server]\folder\Translations\SDL\SDL Passolo\Optionen\TermSpellCheck.pslopt" temp content:check /output:C:\tmp\Passolo-Check.log". Where "%1" is the name of the .lpu file, i. e. "SourceLists.lpu".
Please be so kind to let me know, why it's not possible to run the review by command line.
Thank you very much in advance for any hint.
Best regards and have a nice day.