Segmentation for Java properties files

I have strings that contain long lists of terms with untranslatable code and separated by |. (See example below).

I have already set the untranslatable parts as inline tags, but it would be nice if the list could be split up on word level and joined again upon target file generation. Already tried to set this up in SRX segmenter but that doesn't work.

Any ideas how to do this?


Example: [AWAITING_AUTHORISATION]:Needs Authorisation|[AUTHORISATION_ADDED]:Authorisation Added|[AWAITING_CHEQUE]:Awaiting Cheque|[FUEL_CARD_REISSUE]:Fuel Card Reissue|[AWAITING_ADDRESS_DECISION]:Awaiting Address Decision|[AWAITING_PROCESSING]:Awaiting Processing|[AUTOMATIC_PROCESSING]:Automatic Processing|[ADD_ADDRESS]:Changing Address|[REGISTRATION_MISSING]:Registration Missing|[CUSTOMER_NUMBER_MISSING]:Customer Number missing|[VALIDATION_COMPLETE]:Validation Complete|[CARD_NUMBER_MISSING]:Card Number missing|[CANCEL_AWAITING]:Awaiting Card Cancellation|[CONTRACT_EXTENTION_AWAITING]:Awaiting Contract Extension|[AWAITING_CLAIM_HANDLING]:Awaiting Claims Handling|[AWAITING_CONTRACT_EXTENSION]:Awaiting Contract Extension|[DOCUMENT_GENERATION_REQUESTED]:Document GenerationRequested|[NOTIFICATION_SENT]:Notification Sent|[PENDING_ANSWER]:Pending Answer|[ANSWER_REGISTER]:Answer Register|VA_NOT_SCHEDULED: VA Not Scheduled|[VA_SCHEDULED]:VA Scheduled|[REGISTERED_VA]:Registered VA|[DECIDED_TO_EXTEND]:Decided to extend|[DECIDED_TO_BUY]:Decided to buy|[DECIDED_TO_RETURN]:Decided to return|[CLAIM_INFORMATION_MISSING]:Claims Information Missing|[AWAITING_INSURANCE_RESPONSE]:Awaiting Insurance Reponse|[AWAITING_CHANGE_HANDLING]:Awaiting Change Handling|[ADDRESS_CHANGE_FINISHED]:Address Change Completed|[BANK_CHANGE_FINISHED]:Bank Account Change Completed|[AWAITING_ES_QUOTES]:Awaiting Response|[PROCESSING_FINISHED]:Processing Finished|[BANK_ACCOUNT_CHANGE_FINISHED]:Bank Account Assigned

  • Hi,

    You can try to remove this character and have your text translated in EXCEL

    Copy your text in the first column in Excel, click on the A to select the column, click on top menu DATA , select Text to columns, select Delimited

    then click next, remove the check mark on the TAB choice add one on the Other enter your | for separator

    You will have now in A1 ( [AWAITING_AUTHORISATION]:Needs Authorisation) in B2 [AUTHORISATION_ADDED]:Authorisation Added ..

    Click on the 1 to have the line selected, do ctrl-c, click on cell A2, click on top menu Home, icon past select transpose

    If it word you can delete the line 1

     You can reuse the text to Columns again with : as separator

    at the end in A1 you will have ( [AWAITING_AUTHORISATION]) and in B1 (Needs Authorisation) and save the file in XLSX



    In Passolo you can use the excel parser. In the Properties of Passolo you will need to click on Options...

    and specify your ID column to A and your source text column as B

    If the translation is in column B

    In excel

    When your translation will be completed you can add again the | characters by

    add in the column d1 =concat(A1,":",B1,"|")cut and past this in all lines

    cut and past all the result in a notepad file and your will have the same format at then end.

    good day

  • Hi,

    You can try to remove this character and have your text translated in EXCEL

    Copy your text in the first column in Excel, click on the A to select the column, click on top menu DATA , select Text to columns, select Delimited

    then click next, remove the check mark on the TAB choice add one on the Other enter your | for separator

    You will have now in A1 ( [AWAITING_AUTHORISATION]:Needs Authorisation) in B2 [AUTHORISATION_ADDED]:Authorisation Added ..

    Click on the 1 to have the line selected, do ctrl-c, click on cell A2, click on top menu Home, icon past select transpose

    If it word you can delete the line 1

     You can reuse the text to Columns again with : as separator

    at the end in A1 you will have ( [AWAITING_AUTHORISATION]) and in B1 (Needs Authorisation) and save the file in XLSX



    In Passolo you can use the excel parser. In the Properties of Passolo you will need to click on Options...

    and specify your ID column to A and your source text column as B

    If the translation is in column B

    In excel

    When your translation will be completed you can add again the | characters by

    add in the column d1 =concat(A1,":",B1,"|")cut and past this in all lines

    cut and past all the result in a notepad file and your will have the same format at then end.

    good day

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