Why are resource string IDs not inserted into the value of tuid when Passolo exports a TMX file?

In Passolo 2016, an incremental (and occasionally random) integer is added to the value of each <tu tuid="nnnn"/> element.

If I have an XML resource like this:

<phrase i="myStringId" t="This is an example string."/>

I expect the resulting TMX resource to look like this:

<tu tuid="myStringId" segtype="phrase">
<tuv xml:lang="en-GB" creationid="PASSOLO">
<seg>This is an example string.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="de-DE" creationid="PASSOLO">
<seg>Dies ist eine Beispielzeichenfolge.</seg>

However, the following is exported and tuid ends up being something like 4021:

<tu tuid="4021" segtype="phrase">
<tuv xml:lang="en-GB" creationid="PASSOLO">
<seg>This is an example string.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="de-DE" creationid="PASSOLO">
<seg>Dies ist eine Beispielzeichenfolge.</seg>

Why is it rendered as tuid="4021" instead of tuid="myStringId"?

  • According to the TMX standard the tuid attribute is defined as the translation unit identifier. Its value is not defined and could be any numerical or alphanumerical text without spaces.

    When the TMX export was implemented none of the CAT tools we tested was importing or using the tuid attribute exported from Passolo. So it was decided to export the Passolo record ID from the translation lists which is an internal  unique identifier.

    For compatibility reasons this will not change in the near future also having in mind that there are resource files that are using IDs with spaces.

    As an enhancement or customization it might be possible to export the resource ID as a custom property like:

    <tu tuid="4021" segtype="phrase">
     <prop type="x-resource-id">myStringID</prop>
     <tuv xml:lang="en-GB" creationid="PASSOLO">
     <seg>This is an example string.</seg>
    <tuv xml:lang="de-DE" creationid="PASSOLO">
     <seg>Dies ist eine Beispielzeichenfolge.</seg>