In Passolo 2016, an incremental (and occasionally random) integer is added to the value of each <tu tuid="nnnn"/> element.
If I have an XML resource like this:
<phrase i="myStringId" t="This is an example string."/>
I expect the resulting TMX resource to look like this:
<tu tuid="myStringId" segtype="phrase">
<tuv xml:lang="en-GB" creationid="PASSOLO">
<seg>This is an example string.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="de-DE" creationid="PASSOLO">
<seg>Dies ist eine Beispielzeichenfolge.</seg>
However, the following is exported and tuid ends up being something like 4021:
<tu tuid="4021" segtype="phrase">
<tuv xml:lang="en-GB" creationid="PASSOLO">
<seg>This is an example string.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="de-DE" creationid="PASSOLO">
<seg>Dies ist eine Beispielzeichenfolge.</seg>
Why is it rendered as tuid="4021" instead of tuid="myStringId"?