Imagine a string that is....
<string guid="45cd9e5-ff785g-e74r-ff754t" context= "debug" >Some string</string>
Is there a way to "not show" a string that has "context=<Some Value>"?
Imagine a string that is....
<string guid="45cd9e5-ff785g-e74r-ff754t" context= "debug" >Some string</string>
Is there a way to "not show" a string that has "context=<Some Value>"?
This is the corresponding XPath... did not test it, though...
More tolerant version checking if the attribute does not contain the string: //string[not(contains(@context,'Some Value'))]
Strict version checking exact value: //string[not(@context='Some Value')]
Hi Darrell MacKay,
I'm afraid Passolo doesn't allow xpath with not. See the warning below.
But it does allow metadata to be set so that strings will be "hidden"
That's it!
Solved using XML Data Element, setting the Action to "Set Hidden" as suggested..