we are new to SDL Passolo and we didn't work with varieties/variations in the past.
Now we must start using variations in our projects.
Therefore we are searching for a "how to" or "best practices" on how to start with.
We already know, how to add variations to a project.
But as far as we know right now, there are two possibilities for working with variations :
1.) Add a variation to the project and "transfer" all translations from the main language to the variation. And then translate all strings, which are variation specific.
2.) Creat a satelite assembly which contains only the strings that don't match the strings in the main language and translate these strings.
Our main questions are:
According to 1.): How do we get all the translations from the main language into the variations? And if there are all strings included: How does the translator know, which of all these strings shall be translated into a specific variation?
And according to 2.): How to we get only the strings into the variation, which shall be translated?
I hope, you'll understand what I mean.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Thank you very much in advance.
Kind regards and stay safe.