Export read-only strings

Hello again :-)

I urgently need to send a list of strings to the developers that are currently rea-only in Passolo to have them check the validity of this state (i.e. do we need to translate these now).

I don't seem to get them out by means of the csv or txt exports...the exported files do not contain read-only strings... How to get these out quickly in a proper format for editing by the developers?

Thank you very much!


Parents Reply
  • So. I think it should just be said that EXPORT seems to be for translation only ((since that's what SDL Passolo is all about)).
    I tried to see if there was any Export format that would export the source strings *with* the read-only strings are there is not. The Passolo Text format allows source string export, but will not include read-only strings as those are "not to be translated" so there is that.

    If you need a quick hack, you can always sort by STATUS and then screenshot the read-only strings, but if you want an editable text file it seems you are out of luck.
    The only answer is exporting the source lists into a translation bundle. Unfortunately in this case.
