Error when trying to create quick index in Passolo 2015.


I installed Passolo 2015 - Team Edition (language of user interface is: German) at a Windows 8.1 system (including the .NET AddIn).

I opened a Passolo 2011 project and converted it. This project is stored on a shared drive (no problem, when using Passolo 2011).

I tried to create a quick index but got an exception in conjunction with a web service (I did not understand what this web service had to do with my local quick index).

I installed the newest hotfix (15.1.327.0) and the exception was not thrown any more - but - neither is the quick index created.

The only feedback I get is: "Fehler" shown in the dialogue "Glossare".

I activated error logging - but that did not help very much either (see contents of log file below).

I also tried to create the quick index for the MultiRSC example project - this failed with the same "Fehler" message.

Remembering the initial exception (SDL web service or something similar) I also deactivated/activated the "Übersetzungs-AddIn" in the options - to no avail.

I am still able to auto-translate strings, but suspect, that new translations will not be available for auto-translation because of the non-existing quick index.

Any ideas or similar experiences at your site?

Best Regards

Heinrich Glumpler

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

<head passolo_version='15.1.327.0' edition='Team 5 Edition' date='2015-06-15T08:55:27+02'>
<log type='INFO' time='08:55:27.2429978' group='output'>
<msg>Debug Logging started.</msg>
<log type='INFO' time='08:55:27.2429978' group='output'>
<msg>Writing to C:\Users\henry\Documents\Passolo 2015\DebugLogging\2015-06-15T08-55-27.log.</msg>
<log type='DEBUG' time='08:55:30.0544539' group='app' id='0'>
<msg>Call command &quot;Glossare...&quot;.</msg>
<log type='DEBUG' time='08:56:54.9574507' group='app' id='0'>
<msg>Call command &quot;Speichern&quot;.</msg>

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