How to access State field in Translation List.

I have created a macro to generate a CSV file. I am able to get to the State in the Source List, like Read-Only; New; Hidden. I am now generating a Translation List for specific language and I would like to access the state field in the same way. How can I get access?

Code below. Highlighted is how I did it for Source string. I tried to find the ENUM for this, but something isn't working. 

Dim i As Integer
    For i = 1 To prj.TransLists.Count
        Dim trn As PslTransList
        Set trn = prj.TransLists(i)
            PSL.Output trn.SourceList.Title & " - " & trn.Language.LangCode
            Dim x As Integer
            Dim y As Integer
            For x = 1 To (trn.ResourceCount)
                Dim rsc As PslResource
                Set rsc = trn.Resource(x)
                For y = rsc.FirstStringIndex To (rsc.FirstStringIndex + rsc.StringCount - 1)
                    If (trn.String(y).SourceText <> "") Then
                        Print #1, FormatEntryStr(CStr(trn.String(y).Number)) + "," + _
                                  FormatEntryStr(CStr(trn.String(y).ID)) + "," + _
                                  FormatEntryStr(CStr(trn.String(y).State(103))) + "," + _
                                  FormatEntryStr(CStr(trn.String(y).SourceText)) + "," + _
                                  FormatEntryStr(CStr(trn.String(y).Text)) + "," + _
                    End If
                Next y
            Next x
    Next i
