XML Parser: Grouping Element

Hi everyone,

Is it possible to have more than one grouping element?

The grouping works for Group/Group/@Key  

Red selection in XML view:

...<Group Name="Sources\MSrc\tl_get_sfobjects.msm" Key="Sources\MSrc\tl_get_sfobjects.msm" Kind="File" >
<Group Name="tl_get_sfobjects" Key="tl_get_sfobjects" Kind="LogicalUnit" Author="Torsten Pietzsch" >
<Group Name="InputArguments" Key="InputArguments" Kind="Category" >
<Item Name="objList.Description" Key="8" Uuid="f52f8da9-abf0-46b6-8e2a-2d809bc6bbd5" Accepted="true" Approved="true" ContentType="String" >
<Value >...

But can I also group according to the Group/Name attribute (yellow highlight)?

Best regards,
