I use Passolo 2018's synchronization (Version to upload translation bundles to an LSP's FTP-server and to receive the translations from them via said FTP-sync. It makes some steps of the localization management much easier for the both of us.
Once we have concluded the project and I have validated the translated strings (.json-files in case it's relevant), I want to re-sync the bundle so that they receive new or changed strings in our project for the next handoff. However, the string status from my project is not properly updated to the FTP, even if I just perform the "Write update" operation.
What happens on the LSP's side (we could reproduce this behaviour with a test project in our company) is that when they sync the bundle, Passolo indeed first reads my update (from the .tbupd-file I suppose), receives the correct string status, then Passolo automatically overwrites the status with the one that was initially in the .tbu-file and writes it to the .tbtrans-file. As a result, when I do a sync or execute "Read translations", my validated strings change back to "For review". It seems that the .tbu-file on the FTP-server is the one that has priority over all others, even over our .lpu-projects that actually generate the target files for our user interface.
First question: Do I have to export a new translation bundle to the FTP every time I want to make a handoff?
Apart from that, this also impacts the workflow during the translation and QA process as I cannot validate strings in any language because as soon as I do a sync (or even just "Read translations"), Passolo reads the translations from ALL languages and sets back the status from "Validated" to "For review".
Second question: Is there a way to still be able to work in an agile way and not wait for the delivery of every single language in a project? It would be helpful if I could at least only sync a single language at a time.
As I understand it, Passolo doesn't actually use the actual time stamp from a modification but the time at which a sync has been performed to decide what's the more recent change. Does this work as intended?
Peter Schneider