XLIFF: problem with attribute only existing in target element


I need to translate XLIFF files that contain a "state" attribute only in <target> element:

<trans-unit id="AccountingExerciseCloseAccountingPeriodDto.survey.Page1.accountingExerciseId.title" xml:space="preserve">
<source xml:lang="en-US">Fiscal year</source>
<target xml:lang="fr-FR" state="signed-off">Exercice comptable</target>

What I need to do is to translate the <source> element, edit the "state" attribute and write both in <target> element.

I managed to add the "state" attribute as a metadata to display it in my string list, and order the string lists by "state". I can even edit this metadata in the "More" tab for each string. But when I generate the target file, the initial <target> elements are overwritten and thus, this "state" attribute is removed. How can I force Passolo to add it to the target file?

Here are my settings in the rule configuration:

Trados Studio XML Data Element configuration window showing Element field with 'xlfifffilebodytrans-unitsource' and Meta Data field with 'following-sibling::#attribute::state'.

Trados Studio XML Rule Configuration window with Tree View tab selected, displaying language elements and data elements for source and target with 'state' attribute.

I am certainly missing something...

Thanks for your help!

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[edited by: Trados AI at 5:56 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]