Trados Passolo 2022 Integration Issue

Hello SDL Team,


We have recently upgraded from Passolo 2018 to Trados Passolo 2022. The migration and translation processes were successful. However, we are now encountering a new issue. We use the following command to run the translation nightly in our Azure build pipeline, which worked for the .NET framework:

Command –


  1. Update-

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Trados\Passolo\Passolo 2022\pslcmd.exe" "C:\GDagent\vsts-agent-win-x64-3.220.5\_work\9\s\Source\Localization\GenericDeviceDeveloperBase.lpu" /update /output:C:\GDagent\vsts-agent-win-x64-3.220.5\_work\9\s\Runtime\Release\PassoloLogFileFrom_GenericDeviceDeveloperBase-update.log

  1. Translate-

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Trados\Passolo\Passolo 2022\pslcmd.exe" "C:\GDagent\vsts-agent-win-x64-3.220.5\_work\9\s\Source\Localization\GenericDeviceDeveloperBase.lpu" /generate /output:C:\GDagent\vsts-agent-win-x64-3.220.5\_work\9\s\Runtime\Release\PassoloLogFileFrom_GenericDeviceDeveloperBase.log


Since our source code has moved to .NET 8, we upgraded to Passolo 2022 to support .NET 8( from Passolo 2018). However, when we run the same script with the updated path to the Tadeo installation, it fails in the pipeline.


It throws the following error:

            Generating "Czm.GenericDevice.ApplicationLauncher:German (Germany)"

Warning - DotNetCoreManager cannot load DotNetCore COM server

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx} failed due to the following error: 80008082 Exception from HRESULT: 0x80008082.

ERROR - Parser Error:System.Exception: Parse

               at DnDotNet.Parser.Resources.AssemblyResource.Parse()

            at DnDotNet.Parser.



Upon further investigation, we found that using the "Use .Net Core" task in Azure DevOps as a step to build our source code is causing the issue. When we comment out this task, Passolo works correctly, but when it is enabled, the error reoccurs. Indeed we need "Use .Net Core " to build our remaining projects in build pipeline


We are reaching out for your assistance to resolve this issue, as it is impacting our deliverables.

