I bought a new PC and now try to setup everything again.
First I'd like to ask the development team to make the info in error popups selectable. It would be much easier to add the errors messages here.
I wanted to add a TM to Passolo 2018 but I get two error messages:
- Error opening translation memory. Details: Method not found: <and here comes the method stuff that would be SOOO convenient to copy but is not allowed> which ends with smth like "...get_SourceLanguage()'.
- Cannot extract languages for translator memory. Path: xxx
I used this memory yesterday in Studio 2024, no problems. Today I even upgraded it and reindexed but still doesn't work.
I assume this has smth to do with the continuing problems with adding Studio and Multiterm add-ins to Passolo 2018. (Because the installation paths are changed by every new version.)
I finally got the Studio add-in working, but not accepting the TM I want to use. I also tried another TM and the same error.
I really would like a solution to this, because I have an important customer and I need to translate.