YML Passolo Parser Issue

I am translating YML files using the YAML Parser (

After translation and generating the target files, I am told by our development team that in certain circumstances, the generated YML files contain incorrect syntax.

Specifically, for value / pair entries where the value part starts with '%'.

My test English file has this content:

      test1: A normal string
	  test2: A string containing a placeholder %{placeholder} in the middle of the string
	  test3: %{placeholder} without quotes at the start of the string
	  test4: "%{placeholder} with quotes at the start of the string"
   	  test31: %{placeholder} without quotes at the start of the string - move placeholder in translation
	  test41: "%{placeholder} with quotes at the start of the string - move placeholder in translation"

The German generated translated file contains this:

      test1: A normal string translation
	  test2: A string containing a placeholder %{placeholder} in the middle of the string translation
	  test3: %{placeholder} without quotes at the start of the string translation
	  test4: "%{placeholder} with quotes at the start of the string translation"
   	  test31: Moved %{placeholder} without quotes at the start of the string - move placeholder in translation
	  test41: "Moved %{placeholder} with quotes at the start of the string - move placeholder in translation"

In the generated German file, "test3" key is not formatted quoted correctly when generated.

This page seems to confirm what our developers say.


Search in the page for "there are a number of characters that are special (or reserved) and cannot be used as the first character of an unquoted"
