Escape character and unicode spaces not visible in Passolo

Hey everybody, 

some Java properties contains an escape characters "\" in front of "=" or ":", e.g. "Designation\:".

In addition, a unicode space "\u0020" is part of the properties file.

When I add these files as source files, the escape character disappears in Passolo (and target file). The string \u0020 is replaced by a default space.

Coding settings are "Automatic recognition" and "Same as source file".

Any suggestions? Is it possible that these files are not Java valid and this is why Passolo is doing its thing?

Thanks Markus

Parents Reply
  • Thanks, Achim for your reply.

    The escape character appears in the value. Also the unicode space.

    From our customer side, the "\u0020" must be kept in the target file. But it is not even visible for the translator because Passolo converts it to a simple space when reading the source file. I am with you: Theres no difference between \u0020 and a normal space and Passolo is doing it right. But is there a way to stopp the conversion for some unicode characters? Or must they be converted to in the source files to \\u0020?

    Same for "Designation\:"? Passolo "thinks" there is no need for escaping so it converts it to "Designation:". Right?
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