Escape character and unicode spaces not visible in Passolo

Hey everybody, 

some Java properties contains an escape characters "\" in front of "=" or ":", e.g. "Designation\:".

In addition, a unicode space "\u0020" is part of the properties file.

When I add these files as source files, the escape character disappears in Passolo (and target file). The string \u0020 is replaced by a default space.

Coding settings are "Automatic recognition" and "Same as source file".

Any suggestions? Is it possible that these files are not Java valid and this is why Passolo is doing its thing?

Thanks Markus

  • Regarding the escaped character in „Designation\:“ it is not Passolo that thinks that there is no need for escaping it, it is Oracle that has clearly documented:


    So again it would be helpful to get useful information about your clients use case as Oracle clearly documented that \ will be dropped before non-valid escape characters.

    Same with \u0020 where you confirmed that there is no difference to a real space. Passolo converts all \uXXXX sequences into the real Unicode characters so that translators don’t need to edit

    label=\u00C4nderungen werden in allen Datens\u00E4tzen ausgef\u00FChrt.

    and where you will never find matches in a TM.

    What should happen with

    label=This is a\u0020nice sentence.

    when it will be translated to

    label=Dies ist ja nun wirklich ein schönes Satz.

    Where do you expect the \u0020 to see?

  • Regarding the escaped character in „Designation\:“ it is not Passolo that thinks that there is no need for escaping it, it is Oracle that has clearly documented:


    So again it would be helpful to get useful information about your clients use case as Oracle clearly documented that \ will be dropped before non-valid escape characters.

    Same with \u0020 where you confirmed that there is no difference to a real space. Passolo converts all \uXXXX sequences into the real Unicode characters so that translators don’t need to edit

    label=\u00C4nderungen werden in allen Datens\u00E4tzen ausgef\u00FChrt.

    and where you will never find matches in a TM.

    What should happen with

    label=This is a\u0020nice sentence.

    when it will be translated to

    label=Dies ist ja nun wirklich ein schönes Satz.

    Where do you expect the \u0020 to see?
