Passolo Professional Edition 2015 Version: 15.1.453.0
I have a .Net project containing WPF XAML files, and building with Visual Studio 2015.
I define some common resources into a single xaml to be used by other xaml files.
it contains common resources, like Shared.FontSize.15px, and Shared.TextBlockStyle.SegoeUI.SemiBold.15px, etc...
<FontFamily x:Uid="Shared.FontFamily.SegoeUI" x:Key="Shared.FontFamily.SegoeUI">Segoe UI</FontFamily>
<sys:Double x:Uid="Shared.FontSize.15px" x:Key="Shared.FontSize.15px">15</sys:Double>
<FontWeight x:Uid="Shared.FontWeight.SemiBold" x:Key="Shared.FontWeight.SemiBold">SemiBold</FontWeight>
<Style x:Uid="Style_15" x:Key="Shared.TextBlockStyle.SegoeUI.SemiBold.15px" TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}">
<Setter x:Uid="Setter_44" Property="FontFamily" Value="{StaticResource Shared.FontFamily.SegoeUI}"/>
<Setter x:Uid="Setter_45" Property="FontWeight" Value="{StaticResource Shared.FontWeight.SemiBold}"/>
<Setter x:Uid="Setter_46" Property="FontSize" Value="{StaticResource Shared.FontSize.15px}"/>
it will use the above common style, Shared.TextBlockStyle.SegoeUI.SemiBold.15px
<TextBlock x:Uid="SampleText" Text="Sample Protect Files" TextTrimming="CharacterEllipsis"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center" Width="192"
Style="{StaticResource Shared.TextBlockStyle.SegoeUI.SemiBold.15px}"/>
In the en-us version, I can change the value of Shared.FontSize.15px to modify the font size of the SampleText,
while if I change the value in the Passolo for other languages like fr-FR, it cannot take effect, it still displays with fontsize 15px.
I can re-define the common resources in the Project\WPF\View\SampleView.xaml to resolve the issue, but it is not a good solution.
Does anybody can help fix it or has a better workaround for it.
Thanks a lot.