Length restrictions in resx files

Hi all, 

For the translation of our software package, I have been using Passolo for a while. For each release I get a bundle of resx files. The problem we often face, however, is that the translations (into French and German for example) are too long to fit the field. 

As the preview function (resource display) does not work for resx files, our developers would now like to add a character limit for each value in the resx files. Will Passolo be able to recognise these programmed restrictions? I saw that you can change the configuration of the Microsoft .Net Parser. 

SDL Passolo - .Net Parser Settings window showing options for Common, External References, Custom Properties, and Diagnostic. A 'Custom Properties' dialog box is open with fields for Property and Control Type set to 'Localizable'.

But now my colleague-developer asks me whether the length restriction is based on the number of characters or on pixels... 

Can someone advise me on how we can best work with these length restrictions?

Many thanks!

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: Trados AI at 10:31 AM (GMT 0) on 4 Mar 2024]
  • Missed this request as it was posted into the announcement section.

    There are 2 different kind of RESX files. StringTable RESX files from web applications or desktop applications and WinForm RESX files that contain the visual representation of dialogs from desktop applications that can be visualized in Passolo. What kind of application do you localize?

    I assume you are talking about StringTable RESX files. Both files types are structured slightly different. In StringTable RESX files you will find the ID the text and a comment field, but no elements or attributes with length restriction meta data. WinForm RESX files have more data that enable Passolo to visualize and do length checks for some control elements.

    You mentioned programmed restrictions. Where are they stored? As mentioned above you can’t store these restrictions files. Some additional information would be helpful.

  • Missed this request as it was posted into the announcement section.

    There are 2 different kind of RESX files. StringTable RESX files from web applications or desktop applications and WinForm RESX files that contain the visual representation of dialogs from desktop applications that can be visualized in Passolo. What kind of application do you localize?

    I assume you are talking about StringTable RESX files. Both files types are structured slightly different. In StringTable RESX files you will find the ID the text and a comment field, but no elements or attributes with length restriction meta data. WinForm RESX files have more data that enable Passolo to visualize and do length checks for some control elements.

    You mentioned programmed restrictions. Where are they stored? As mentioned above you can’t store these restrictions files. Some additional information would be helpful.

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