DeepL API Key invalid

This forum might be more appropriate; I asked the same question in the MT forum.

My DeepL API Key is not accepted.

Perhaps I have purchased the wrong DeepL product? I have the DeepL API (free) - I want to try out DeepL


Parents Reply
  • I discovered the problem.

    On the main page of the plugin documentation, it is mentioned that "This plugin provides machine translation results from the DeepL Translator found here -"

    This is currently wrong (maybe right in the past, I don't know). DeepL plans that can be used on CAT tools are on this page,, the two plans at the right on the table (Advanced or Ultimate). This information needs to be more explicit on the plugin's page.

    I emailed DeepL customer support and their answer was this:

    "Unfortunately, you will need a DeepL Pro Advanced or Ultimate subscription to use DeepL in a CAT tool. The term "API key" in the plugin for Trados Studio is unfortunately a little bit misleading. We are already in touch with RWS to correct this term (as this plugin is developed by RWS and not us). What they require here is an authentication key, which will be provided to you with a DeepL Pro Advanced or Ultimate subscription. This authentication key is for CAT tool use only.

    As you have chosen DeepL Pro API plan, we would like to offer you to cancel your current plan for you with immediate effect. You would then be able to resubscribe to a DeepL Pro Advanced or Ultimate plan with your account. Would that be okay? Please note that we are only offering a free trial for Starter and Advanced subscriptions. So if you would like to test DeepL Pro first, we would recommend you a DeepL Pro Advanced plan."

    So that was the problem.
