AutoHotKey script for copying source to target, changing status to rejected and lock segment

Hello everyone,

I am fairly new to the world of AutoHotKey, so I apologize in advance if my question is a bit stupid, or if the code I have below is not very efficient!
I tried composing a script that would copy source to target (F4), change status segment to rejected and lock segments (CTRL+L) all at once, but it seems using the succession of keys ALT, H, U and R poses a problem while in the editor. When I do it without the script, it works just fine, but when I use AHK it does not work. Any idea how to solve (or bypass) this? Is it because mnemonic keys cannot be used efficiently without a sleep time?
We have a lot of projects where we need to do this a great number of times, so I think a (working) script would help! Here is what I am using:

Send {F4}
Send !
Send h
Send u
Send r
Send ^l

Anyone has an idea?

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